Stoeryd supplier – Code of Conduct
Suppliers to Stoeryd are expected to comply with the Company’s Code of Conduct. It is very important that our suppliers take part and adhere to this policy.
If there is anything in this policy that you oppose as a supplier, you are asked to immediately contact your business contact at Stoeryd. The policy is published in English only.
As reflected in the STOERYD Code of Conduct, STOERYD is committed to high standards of integrity and sustainability. STOERYD has a ‘zero tolerance’ policy when it comes to unethical business behaviour, such as bribery, corruption and forced labor. We expect all of our suppliers to adhere to similar standards and to conduct their business ethically.
As a supplier, you must comply with all applicable laws and regulations, the requirements set out in this STOERYD Supplier Code of Conduct and your contractual obligations to us. You will be responsible for ensuring that all of the supplier’s employees and subcontractors are informed and agrees to Stoeryd’s Code of Conduct for Suppliers.
This STOERYD Supplier Code of Conduct defines the main principles underlying your business activities as one of our suppliers.
A. Human rights
As a supplier to STOERYD, you shall
- Respect the personal dignity, privacy and rights of each individual;
- Refuse to make any person work against his or her will; and
- Prohibit behaviour including gestures, language and physical contact, that is sexual, coercive, threatening, abusive or exploitative.
B. Fair labor conditions
You shall ensure fair labor conditions. In particular, you will
- Refrain from employment discrimination based on gender, age, ethnicity, nationality, religion, disability, union membership, political affiliation or sexual orientation;
- Respect the rights of employees to freely associate and bargain collectively;
- Not tolerate or use child labor in any stage of your activities other than in accordance with all applicable laws and regulations;
- Not use any forced labor, including but not limited to involuntary prison labor, victims of slavery and human trafficking and allow all employees the choice to leave their employment freely upon reasonable notice;
- Compensate employees fairly and follow local wage regulations and / or collective agreements, and where these do not exist, compensate employees so at the minimum they can meet their basic needs;
- Ensure that working hours, including overtime, do not exceed applicable legal requirements, and where such requirements do not exist, we recommend that working hours not exceed sixty hours per week including overtime; and
- Ensure that employees are allowed at least one uninterrupted day off per week.
C. Health, safety and environmental management
You shall provide a safe and healthy workplace for all of your employees and shall conduct your business in an environmentally sustainable way. In particular, you will
- Formally appoint a competent person to manage health, safety and environmental programs and improvements;
- Establish appropriate organizational structures and procedures for the effective management of health, safety and environmental risks; and
- Ensure that all workers are sufficiently aware of these risks and appropriately trained on the implementation of control measures.
D. Material compliance and conflict minerals
At STOERYD, we are determined to comply with regulatory and customer requirements regarding the prohibition and restriction of substances, including hazardous substances and conflict minerals. Therefore, suppliers shall ensure that the goods provided to STOERYD are in compliance with requirements covered under the scope of all relevant regulations. In particular, you will
- Implement a policy regarding conflict minerals and exercise due diligence to investigate the source of these minerals; and
- Respond in a timely manner to STOERYD’s requests for evidence of your compliance with these requirements.
E. Business ethics
You shall conduct your business in an ethical manner. In particular, you will
- Refrain from any and all forms of corruption, extortion and bribery, and specifically ensure that payments, gifts or other commitments to customers (including STOERYD employees), government officials and any other party are in compliance with applicable anti-bribery laws;
- Adhere to anti-trust and other competition laws;
- Disclose to STOERYD information regarding potential conflicts of interest relating to your activities as an STOERYD supplier, including disclosure of any financial interest an STOERYD employee may hold in your business;
- Protect all confidential information provided by STOERYD and our respective business partners;
- Respect intellectual property of others, including STOERYD; and
- Adhere to international trade regulations and export control regulations.
F. Secure business
You shall conduct your business in a secure manner. In particular, you will
- Implement reasonable measures for minimizing exposure of STOERYD to security threats such as terrorism, crime, pandemics and natural disasters; and
- When visiting or working at STOERYD locations, abide by STOERYD’s security procedures and report any security concerns to the appropriate STOERYD channels.
G. Procurement by supplier
You shall procure goods and services in a responsible manner. In particular, you will
- Select your own tier one suppliers providing goods or services directly or indirectly to STOERYD based on them agreeing to adhere to standards comparable to those set forth in this STOERYD Supplier Code of Conduct; and
- When working at STOERYD locations, only subcontract work with prior consent from STOERYD.
H. Inspections and corrective actions
In order to ensure and demonstrate compliance with the STOERYD Supplier Code of Conduct, you shall keep record of all relevant documentation, and provide to us supporting documentation upon request. To verify your compliance, we reserve the right to audit and inspect your operations and facilities, at our own cost and upon reasonable notice, with or without support of a third party. If the results of such an audit or inspection cause us to be of the opinion that you do not comply with this STOERYD Supplier Code of Conduct, you shall take necessary corrective actions in a timely manner, as directed by us. If you fail to comply with this STOERYD Supplier Code of Conduct, then we may take action against you, including suspending or terminating your activities as one of our suppliers.
I. Whistle blower Protection and Anonymous Complaints
Suppliers shall create programs to ensure the protection of Supplier and worker
whistle blower confidentiality and prohibit retaliation against workers who participate in such programs in good faith or refuse an order that is in violation of the STOERYD Code of Conduct for Suppliers. Suppliers shall provide an anonymous complaint mechanism for workers to report workplace grievances in accordance with local laws and regulations.