Quality and Environment
Quality and environmental awareness has always permeated in every aspect of Stoeryd AB, from its inception over 50 years ago to the present. This is and has always been the most important “tool” to maintain and expand cooperation with existing customers and to make new contacts.
As employees of Stoeryd AB, we all consider ourselves customers of each other. This puts the customer at the center and contributes to a product that is in quality at least according to the customer’s wishes. This also means that we are committed to deliver the right quantity, at the right time, in the right place. In order to achieve these goals, it is of the utmost importance that we individually and jointly actively strive for continuous improvement – everyone is part of a team where everyone fulfills their function. Customer satisfaction is the key to our success.
ISO 9001:2015 since year 2003
ISO 9001 is based on several basic principles and the standard is that the organization should start from the customers’ needs and review the internal working methods to reduce costs. We are certified and work according to the quality management system since 2003.
ISO 14001:2015 since year 2009
Both the working environment and the environment in the world play a major role in the daily work of Stoeryd AB. We have in recent years invested heavily in facilities and equipment for the working environment, which in itself also contributes to increased quality for our customers.
For the external environment and our customers’ environmental requirements, we use so far as possible, returnable packaging made of wood. Our powder coating plant is built on a closed system where we recycle much of the waste heat for heating our premises. We must conserve natural resources, avoid waste, reduce and sort waste, prevent emissions to air and water and prevent pollution.
ISO 3834-2:2005 since year 2015
To work according to ISO 3834 is to direct the activities in your welding business by describing what you do and following what you have described. It is a horizontal standard, which means that it is independent of product.
ISO 13485:2016 since year 2018
A quality management system aimed at medical devices. It is based on ISO 9001 but imposes higher demands on formal documentation and specific product safety features.
ISO 45001:2018 since year 2023
ISO 45001 is a global standard for occupational health and safety that enables us to prevent work-related injuries and illnesses and to enhance our performance in these areas. Through a systematic and structured approach, we ensure that we comply with legal and other obligations and that we effectively manage occupational health and safety risks, leverage opportunities and address deviations in our processes.
Ecovadis Rating since year 2023
Ecovadis is the leading evaluation system that considers aspects such as the environment, working conditions, business responsibility and ethics as well as sustainable procurement. The experts at Ecovadis are world leaders when it comes to sustainability assessments, and we use these experts to find and follow up areas for improvement in our operations.